Thursday, 14 February 2008

Fish on a Line

I finally finished the knitting WIP I showed you a couple of weeks ago.

This is a mobile made from a pattern in Knitted Toys by Zoe Mellor. It's for a friend whose baby is due in early March (I'm pretty sure she doesn't read this so I'm safe posting here). The pattern was a lot more fiddly than I'd anticipated. The fish are knitted from a chart which I found a little tricky at first. Once the fish were finished there were a whole heap of ends to weave in and then they had to be stuffed and threaded onto the cord (a lot harder than it sounds as the cord was pretty thick). But in the end I think it turned out pretty cute.

The fish by themselves were also fun to play with - they would make neat Christmas ornaments or cat toys. And the mobile concept could quite easily be converted to a hanging toy to string across a pram. Hmmmm, maybe next time.


Anonymous said...

it looks lovely and colourful. Always envious of you knitters.

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

sweetp said...

Oh LOVELY! I've done 2 so far but seeing yours makes me want to do some more. I think I will make a couple of extra ones for N2 as she keeps running off with them :D. Maybe with a wee rattle inside.

Megan Rose said...

It's gorgeous! I'm sure your friend will love it. I think I might try and talk my nana into making one for my little boy. Oh, ok, for me.

melissa said...

fantastic! i love how colourful it is. a knitted mobile... hmm i would never have thought of it.

simone said...

LOVE it. MMMmmm my friends just gotten pregas again..this inspires me...

kimberlee said...

i hope your friend appreciates the struggle. though you've made them look so cute and perfectly finished that there is no sign of struggle.
I like the colours you chose as well:)

Anonymous said...

Just came across this page via google. Your mobile came out great! My wife's working on this pattern and also found the chart a lot trickier than she thought. Any suggestions on how to get started? There isn't much explanation in the book :(

Kim said...

i have zoe's book and i want to do this pattern, but i am also a bit confused, any tips on how to begin?

sue at nobaddays said...

I did this project too and just added a picture to the Zoe Mellor pool on Flickr. Yours are way neater than mine ;-) And I agree this is a fiddly project that takes more time than one might think!